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Run out of Screen Time: Play Among Us In Real Life

  Hi, I have played Among Us in real life and it is such a good game to play with your family or friends. If you are bored at home and have run out of screen time make your own Among Us game! We have all been there before!  All you have to do is make some tasks. I have listed some cool tasks below with some images. I will also tell you how to make them. So without further ado let's get into it.    This task is fairly simple as all you have to do is to get a game of Connect 4 and collect all of the counters and make a pattern. Take a quick photo of it and then the crew members have to create the same pattern that is on the picture.  This task is similar to the previous one but you can do it with a game called Buckaroo instead of the Connect 4 counters. This task is similar to the previous and easy to do. You can get a nought and cross board and take a picture of it and then the crew members have to make the same pattern on the board.  This task is a great on...

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